Board Member: Councilwoman Valerie George
Born in PA, Valerie was raised as part of a military family. Her parents served in the Army, primarily stationed in Germany. Her creative outlets are many and she
is always finding new ways to express herself through arts and crafts. When she moved to DE in 1988 she opened a small, K-12 umbrella home-school group. She
also quickly connected to organizations through which she had the pleasure of serving...Delaware Academy of Science, Friends of Iron Hill, Civil Air Patrol,
AFJROTC, Amazing Grace Ministries, the Food Bank, Paris Foundation, Good Neighbors, 1 in 7B, and now the Pencader Heritage Museum. She has also
volunteered with several churches and communities for clean-ups, blood drives, youth events, stewardship programs, and events that create community. She was
employed as a financial planner, enjoying helping people make good choices with their money. She also served as an advocate for the elderly. Eventually she
became involved in local government advocating for the needs of friends. In November 2010, she became confidential Legislative Assistant to 11th District
Councilman, David Tackett. In November 2022, Valerie was elected to the 5th District Council position. Through the years, she developed a passion for
educating others about how their government works and how they can best become part of the governing process. She is excited to represent her
constituents. Valerie believes we are here to be stewards of the earth and its inhabitants, to care for one another with whatever talents and gifts we have, and to
remember and learn from the past so we can make better choices in the future.
Valerie is married and has 3 children and 1 grandchild.